Friday, July 11, 2008

Last day of work

Today was our last day of work and I am exhausted! They actually made me work today. Everyone is looking forward to traveling to the beach tomorrow. We just finished up our evening devotions time and God was moving. We went to the sanctuary of the church we are staying at and watched a video presentation of different pictures and video's from right after Hurricane Katrina hit. Then we opened the microphone to our students to share what God has been doing in them this week. It was wonderful to sit back and hear that this trip was a success! Thank you so much for your prayers. Please continue to pray for us as we travel to the beach tomorrow and then home on Sunday. God has been using your teenagers and amazing things hava happened in their lives. I challenged them to write down something that God has done this week so that they don't forget it. I heard our students say so many things that God has been teaching them. One young lady commented to me about how she would often complain to her mom about their home. She told me "I will never again complain to my mom about where I live." One young man said, "I will never freak out if my mom won't let me get a new X-Box game. I've realized that I have a lot more important things in my my family." We had so many people share how they realized this week how much Here are four new videos for you to watch. Some clips are of us playing in "the Projects" (that is what they call it!) One is of a home owner, and several are of workers. I hope someone is still reading this! Thanks again for all you've done to make this week possible for your students. (Also...sorry about the lizard video! It was a complete accident!) Love, Joy & Peace!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Some more...

Here are some more videos from today and yesterday. Sorry about the slow posting of videos. We only have dial up at the church and I have to sneak away to a Super 8 at night to use their internet. Things are going great! Tomorrow is our last day of work and many of our sites will be completly finished! One group is even starting a new house tomorrow. We had devotions together on the beach tonight and it was amazing to hear our students share how God has been working in there lives this week. Many of the shared how much they take for granted the blessing they have at home. Some are even wrestling with Gods will for their lives. Thank you for praying I hope you enjoy these new videos!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day 1 & 2

Hey everyone! Sorry It's taken so long to get these posted. Internet has been a bit of a problem for us! I'm at a Super 8 right now posting this. All of our teams are working hard and getting a lot of work done. There is a video on here of one family commenting about all the hard work your students are doing. I am amazed at the way God is using our students! The last clip is a woman talking about using her bathroom for the first time in 3 years! It's pretty fun. Have a great day!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A reminder and some updates

Hello Everyone.

I just wanted to remind you of a few important things before we leave on the trip.

1. You must have your consent form completed and notarized in order to board your bus! Do not forget this form!

2. Do to space limitations you are only allowed to bring 1 carry on bag and 1 other medium size bag. This is very important. Please be respectful of everyone Else's space.


1. We will be doing a lot of dry wall work and painting. Be sure you pack a screw driver!

2. The church we are staying at only has 60 air mattresses available. If you own an air mattress bring it. If not don't rush out to buy one, there will be one available at the site.

Thats all for now! I'm excited

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Consent Form

The consent form is here! Please copy and paste this, print it out, fill it out and turn it in to your youth pastor, trip leader or send it to Ryan Goode.

Remember! Your form must be Notarized!

Indianapolis District NYI


Name of activity: Mission to the Gulf Mission Trip Date: July 7-13, 2008
Child’s Name:_____________________________________________________
Date of birth:________________________________ Age: ______ Sex: ______
Address: ________________________________________________________
Home Phone number: ______________ Cell Phone Number: _____________
Emergency # you can be reached day of event: _____________

I, _______________________ (printed name of parent/guardian) being the parent or legal guardian of ____________________________ (printed name of minor) have been informed of the above activity sponsored by the Indianapolis District Church of the Nazarene NYI and hereby give my consent for my minor child to participate in this activity.

I understand that all reasonable safety precautions will be taken by the leaders of this activity, and that the possibility of an unforeseen hazard does exist. I further agree not to hold the Indianapolis District Church of the Nazarene its leaders, employees, and volunteer staff liable for damages, losses, diseases, or injuries incurred by the minor listed on this form.

I also understand that my minor child is to be excluded from the following activities:

Signature of parent/Guardian _________________________Date____________
Notary Seal:


Keep in mind...

Hey everyone thanks for being patient! We are coming down to the wire now! I will have the consent forms up within the next two hours today!

This post includes some guidelines and suggestions for your behavior during the trip. Please read over these.

Keep in mind that everything you say and do on this trip represents your church, Indianapolis District and most importantly Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. While you are on this trip you need to act with respect and honor towards other people. This means your fellow team mates, leaders, camp staff, restaurant workers, gas station employees! Everyone!

Here are a few Guidelines we have for you to keep in mind during the trip:

General Trip Guidelines

- Always be polite and respectful to any person you may encounter
- Please do not be loud or obnoxious
- No "Couples" on the trip...seriously your going to minister not make out!
- Don't be afraid to learn! Ask questions
- Allow yourself to be inconvenienced...actually expect that you will be inconvenienced!
- Be Flexible!

While Working

- Always be an encourager
- Always pray for each other
- Always resolve conflicts with each other
- Always be an example in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity


Monday, June 23, 2008

What do I need to bring? What not to bring?

Here is a list of what you need to bring with you!

Work Clothes for four days! The weather will be Hot & Humid - please be modest!

Bible, notebook, pen or pencil

Shoes for work and relaxing

Work Gloves (leather)

Sleeping bag, pillow

Towel, Wash Cloth, Toiletries

Contact lens supplies

Extra socks and underwear

Swim Suit – One Piece for the ladies or tankini

Sun Screen

Hat, sunglasses

Tools: Every team member must bring: Hammer, screwdriver, dry-wall knife tool belt or nail bag, water bottle


What Not to Bring!

Obviously – no drugs, alcohol, tobacco, firearms

I-pods / Mp3 Players - use them on the van’s or at night not on work site

Phones – not on job site and not excessively!

No two-piece swim suits

Please use good judgement on all items! And remember you are representing Christ on this trip. Any Questions? Post a comment or e-mail